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1102 Bob Pecchia
1102 Bob Pecchia
Date of Birth: //

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1102 Bob Pecchia

Welcome! This Virtual Birthday Party is in honor of BOB “COKE” PECCHIA, on his 60th birthday. This is going to be fun! I’ll try to keep it a surprise from him as long as I can, with your help, of course. Some of you will remember attending a 40th surprise for him at our house. Yup, that was a hoot! He showed up two hours late…had to track him down around town! Ah, the Pecchia Pause! With friends and family scattered all over the world, this seemed like a logical idea. With this virtual party, all I have to do is sit back and let all of you do the work. So, let’s all share our favorite Bob Pecchia stories, jokes, song lines, photos, and special moments.

Here’s how it works. Attend “The Virtual Birthday Party” by leaving special messages for Bob (see “Leave A Message” button below). Please note that all guests can see all messages. For his birthday, please let him know how much he means to you, and why! When the “party” is over, we will print his “birthday card” with all the birthday messages as a keepsake. And everyone will have access to view it as well. (Please contact me with questions and/or photos to be uploaded. Click “Email Party Host” on the left.)

That’s it! Oh, and please feel free to forward the invitation to others. I’m probably missing a lot of people.

Much Love to ALL,